Friday, April 9, 2010

Performance And Aesthetic Feeling Sony Z19N Notebook Evaluation

With the use of fuzzy laptop and notebook computers are classified according to use is really more and more difficult. Commercial, domestic notebook classification of the product users nowadays seems a bit outdated. Notebook computer market nowadays, however, there are still persistent in the commercial notebook brands, including Fujitsu, Lenovo, Toshiba, DELL, HP, Sony. Sony is one of the performance of one of the most active of the brand is able to combine industrial design with a brand of notebook.

Sony introduced new notebook computers often before, can attract attention of many users. Why? Sony is an advocate of product innovation company, we used to call it technological aesthetic. Following the current commercial products sold after the SZ series, Sony announced a new generation of Centrino 2 platform, Z-series business notebooks. But according to Sony's past practice, business notebooks will only keep a family, believe the Z series will be replaced in the near future SZ series.

1, excellent work
2, top hardware
3, dual graphics switch
4 Molded Products C surface
5, the use excellent comfort
6, random software-rich If a laptop is not a high-quality notebook battery, can not guarantee notebook stable long hours of work, use the laptop must have an external laptop power supply, then the laptop loses its own significance. But the batteries are consumable, generally able to stabilize the work time in a year or so, then there may be "sudden die-off." If you are planning to buy laptops, then the need for laptop battery to do a physical exam in order to discover the battery problems.
