Who need Sisco Certificate? It's a usefull certificate for the network technician.
Cisco Certified Network Associate 640-802 test is to determine candidates' both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in small and medium sized enterprise branch network. While it is possible to learn it yourself, the theory part, you will certainly need the guidance of experts when it comes to developing your practical skills in networks.
There are several websites that offer practical training for 640-802 test. While Cisco press itself has released a number of books on various titles for self-study, experts recommend that joining online training centers would be very beneficial for both 640-802 test conducted by Cisco as well as when on job. A list of things to practice provided in this article will be of great help to you as you plan to attempt your 640-802 test.
For instance, you should get yourself trained to create a network of two computers using cross-over cables; to be adept in creating bus network, mesh network, and star network; to configure hub, switch, router, and DHCP on the network; to successfully experiment with VoIP; to create intranet; to configure modem, router, ISDN, and internet connections; to use of commands like ping, pathping, and TRACERT; to verify configuration and connectivity of network interface card; to familiarize with various types of media, cables, connectors and the like.
A few other areas to acquaint yourself before attempting the test include configuring of wireless LAN; troubleshooting VLANs; both configuring and troubleshooting of Cisco switches, VTP, VLSM IP addresses, OSPF, EIGRP, and RIPv2; using CLI with various commands; debugging commands; configure and apply access control on various filtering needs; using CLI to configure NAT; experimenting with Frame Relay on Cisco routers; and verifying PPP connections among Cisco routers. As all of the above mentioned can not be practiced without help or proper guidance, it is wise to abide by the counsel of the experts in getting your Cisco Certified Network Associate certification for 640-802.
Now, It's time to reveal my success with CCNA 640-802 exam by using 640-802 exam Questions and Answers. I am very proud of being CCNA Certified now!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Francis_Murphy
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